Re: selection_svc exploit?

James Beckett (
Mon, 03 Apr 1995 20:30:38 BST

James Bonfield wrote:
>Well I've got some code that's been kicking around for years (5 or so maybe),
>that exploits a Sunview selection_svc problem. I doubt if it's the same bug as

Good grief that's ancient! Did it ever work? Hmm. Now I think about it, it
did.. I remember selection_svc used to hang around running as root, whether
because it always ran as root or because it didn't die when the previous
person logged out I'm not sure... it would also blithely read directory info

>Anyway, thanks to James Beckett (Hiya James!) from whom I snarfed this code
>oh so long ago. I would leave it up to James to post this code, but I
>have a feeling he may not have it anymore.

Oh I have, I have.... only it's on a cracked and faded reel-to-reel tape dump
that just doesn't fit in the QIC drive, even if you fold it.

The human mind is like a knife, and the most dangerous knives are dull ones.